Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
Favourite Songs from Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne & Demi Lovato <3


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Ps fever Lots of comments on my carter guy :S PS maintainence is finally over!!! I miss Myanmar I gotta stop openin my blog page again! Bored again Chinese tuition n bored, gloomy days n random stuffs Bored to post 1st Birthday party out of 3 parties n Omens Bat and tuition

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Old friends finally on my chat board

My old n gud fren I had since Myanmar hu moved to singapore bout 2 years ago finally founded my blog (finally) n she tagged me! YAY!!! Happi Happi dat finally one of my gud fren found my blog. Nuthin much new but hey hey my next post is gonna b about my 2nd n 3rd bday parties' pictures. WOOOOOH! :D :D

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