Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
Favourite Songs from Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne & Demi Lovato <3


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Bored again Chinese tuition n bored, gloomy days n random stuffs Bored to post 1st Birthday party out of 3 parties n Omens Bat and tuition

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I gotta stop openin my blog page again!

I seriously hav to stop openin (dun take this link seriously, u noe wat i mean rite?).
So decided to read upon others blogs but hey hey, it juz gimme more ideas.

While no one was availible to chat
Pet society under fuckin maintainence
Man, I'm singin this to Pet society- My life would suck without u.

Hey hey, u laufin now bout dat?
No seriously, I hav nothin to do wen my pretty lil ps is not workin!!!!!!!!

N my gpa was seriously mad at me 2day for not studyin maths properly.
Got hit :'(.
But since i was a big gurl (bang), I didn't cri n juz say Michael Jackson's ow!
But he was 2 mad n even scolded me for usin a new shuttle in badminton
It wasnt my fault
I mean my old shuttle now looks lyk a chicken thnx to me n my cuz torturin in hopelessly :S.
Somebody kinda hacked me in ps n fb
So changed my pw 2day.
Feelin safe
As well as fallen in luv wif another song-Lovegame by gaga
I hated d disgustin music video.
It was...well lets juz say almost uncencored (ouch!)

N my dad popped out in gtalk out of nowhere tellin me he would buy me a chihuahua
Wen we move to my new hopefully biggie house.
He asked me if i wan anything (pet) else.
I said rabbit.
So he said der r some reli clever rabbits in japan so he mite sen me 1.
Rather den dat, nothin special.
Bye Bye!
Muaks! :D ^^

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