Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
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Bat and tuition


Some weird and cool n funy things hav been happenin recently. Me n my 7 yrs old kiddy bestie went to tuition on...Tuesday or mondy or wateva to T. Siti (hu is freaked out by cockroaches) n this funniest thing happened.

I was workin on my maths...(concentratin a lot) wen my kiddy bestie screamed. So i luked up n said wat wen i screamed too. (Gettin excitin rite). I saw a bird (i doubt) den changed my mind dat it was a gigantic butterfly. T. Siti was lukin at us real surprised wen dat thing lyk landed on her shoulder. She thot it was a roach for some reason (as she was givin her bck to dat thing) n started screamin into my face lyk crazy!! But sittin down wasnt enof, so she started runnin around d livin room (with us still screamin) n started flappin her shirt lyk crazy. (us still screamin). But luckily, d thing dropped onto d floor wen we realised it was a BAT! So i was lyk it's a bat!!! A small bat! It sorta lumped out of the room n onto the balcony n disappeared behind the pink paint pail. My teacher shut d door n we're lyk on her couch, laufin our head off. She was lyk tired of screamin n flappin n she twittered it, sayin she got a bat on her head which her bro thot it was a cricked bat. (LMAO). We spent d entire 15 mins, laufin uncontrobally on the couch. My teache thinks we deafened d bat as bats picked up a lot of echos. :P

haha, one funny experience

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