Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
Favourite Songs from Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne & Demi Lovato <3


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1st Birthday party out of 3 parties n Omens Bat and tuition

Layout: Ni cole
Resources: I II

Bored to post


Sup, i noe, i noe I havent post anything lately. The thing is i'm reli reli reli reli reli reli bored to post n even open blog.

But the gud news is dat i now noe how to edit HTMLs n i dun nd to ask anybody to do for me anymore! YAY!!! ^^.

Rather den dat, nothins reli new dese days
Except skools reopenin at 19th. Very excited but sad dat hav to get up early.
Goin to b in sec for 1st time.
Pweety excitin rite?
N no nd to see d dreadful Mrs. B anymore. :(
Man everybody hates her
She's borin
She's old
She makes us fall asleep.

N i'm lvl 26 in Ps now! YEH!
N i luv d new stuffies.
Got a baby room!!!!! ^_^.
Alrite den,
Dats it for 2day.
See u soon.

I'll post some photos later onwards
Mayb even 2day if i cn find d plugger.

Bye! :D muaks


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