Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
Favourite Songs from Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne & Demi Lovato <3


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Recent posts

Old friends finally on my chat board Ps fever Lots of comments on my carter guy :S PS maintainence is finally over!!! I miss Myanmar I gotta stop openin my blog page again! Bored again Chinese tuition n bored, gloomy days n random stuffs Bored to post 1st Birthday party out of 3 parties n Omens

Layout: Ni cole
Resources: I II

Nuthin new, same old bored days, school's startin very sooooooooooon!

Nuthin much neww these days
Same old borin dayss....

Got a newww laptop cooler pad, whee!
I ask for d 6 bucks 1 but my mom decided to buy me d large fan one which costs 18 bucks.
It's workin pretty well n its d transparent one dat i luvvvv.
Will post d pics soon after i cn download writer.

Just realized dat skool's gettin sooooooooooo near!
Happi dat hav to go to skool but hated d idea of gettin up earliiiii
I dun wanna get early :(
So yeh anyway, since skool is gonna start very soon n i'm now gonna b in sec (superb duperb excited) which u're gonna get lots of homework n if u dun do u homie workie, u go for detention. N guess how d dententions r?
Our gonna b sec art teacher told us dat 1 of d detentions he giv is to copy out somethin reli reli borin from d art book, n after writin all the borin stuff, dey RECYCLE IT!!! OMG! Rite?? So yeh, if skool reopens, i mite not b able to blog lyk everyday so...pls forgiv forgiv...:'(. Alritie.



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