Charlene- I am not special but not unspeical. Am smart but not extrodinary. Am not cool but am not lame. Am not prep but am not emo. Am not girly but am not boyish. Am pretty but am not goregous. Am not logic but am not dreamy. LEOS RULES!
Favourite Songs from Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne & Demi Lovato <3


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Time for a new blog skin!!!! Glitter Graphics! Juz normal My typa guy My best friends Me, the genius Hullo! Random post I hate the hannah montana show off Hi guys!!! I miss burma 2

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Time for a new blog skin!!!!

It has been a year since me n yukiko had a first sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG, time flies soooooooooooooo fast. So dats y i’m changin my pink kawaii blog skin to a blue baby blog skin!!! Its reli reli reli cute but not kawaiii :D sooooooo thats it, BYEEEEEE

Glitter Graphics!

Hi guys, n i’ve been testin glitter graphics lately n this is wat i’ve done!

Pretty awesome huh?

So yeah, go n check itt out :D



Juz normal

Meh, nuthin much is new around here. I’m havin Grade 1 music theory exam 2moro (Sat 31st Oct) for 1 n a half hour on a fuckin freakin long paper! :@. (Not to mention gettin called a stupidly fuckin bitch from my mom for some personal “stupid” reasons, ouch!). Skool' holiday on Mon n Tue. WOO HOO!!! O yeah!! I cn then hopefulli sleepover at someone’s house (Amy aka Yukiko's?) I’m hopin lah. Altho I still hav freakin math homework but hopefulli i’ll be free lah. 2day (Fri 30th) was International Day n I wore Amy aka Yukiko’s red burmese “traditionalish modernish” long sleeve (should i juz call it blouse?) blouse with my mom’s now-not-so-long lungyi (sarong). It look pretty awesome to be honest. But anyway, thatsss juz probably it n here’s a random update for ya!

My typa guy

Just because i tagged you doesn't mean you're exactly my type of guy okay 0.o
Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.
if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
if your a girl- post it as my kind of guy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
• not too super duper as well as not too shabby

2. Smart?
• doesnt need to be lyk einstein but must be at least as smart as me…(o god, den i’m gonna get a nerd >.<)

3. Preferred age?
• must be at least older by 1 month

4. Preferred height?
•must be 1 inch taller, at least *PWEASE!!*

5. How about sense of humor?
• quite a lot

6. How about piercings?
• uh uh

7. Accepts you for who you are?
• of cuz

8. Pink hair?
• nah, gayy

9. Mushy or no?
• not reli

10. Thin or fat?
• middle?? well, i don't want a twig as my boy...neither do i want a marshmallow~

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
• not too black, not too white, juz a bit tanned

12. Long hair or short hair?
• short hair at the back with long fringe

13. Plastic or metal?
• wha???

14. Smells good?
• hell yeh, not stayin near a stinker

15. Smoker?
• hell NA UH!

16. Drinker?
• soft drinks, hell yeh, d rest NO!

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
• yeh, dun mind

18. Muscular?
• not too much, not too little, a bit of a preppy+jock musuclar type

19. Plays piano?
• dun mind

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
• no, drums mite be better

21. Plays violin
•haha, duo concerts den, drums den accompany lah

22. Sings very good?
• don't have to be VERY GOOD...but it's sweet if he could sing :D

23. Vain?
• um, i dun keep a bf to hav vain ppl

24. With glasses?
•cutie fashion den yah! but if nerdy type, stay away from me~ :D

25. With braces?
• dun mind

26. Shy type?
• I'd like him to be a lil more open tho...but shy types are cute :)

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
• a little bit of both ^^

28. Active or passive?
• errr...not too active not too passive..

29. Tight or bomb?
• wha??

30. Singer or dancer?
• both’d b kewl, if singer, den dun mind, dancer den dance 2gether lah

31. Stunner?
• well ehh…

32. Hiphop?
• ok lah

33. Earrings?
• NOP!

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
• play boys r not accepted, a lil bit history okkk

35. Dimples?
• haha YES!! so cute~~....hahahahhaha but no need to poke urself until u get one if u dont have any... o_o
36. Bookworm?
• Nehhhh

----yes, i know, i'm picky :))----

Anyone cn dooo dis

My best friends

I’m not a normal child. That doesn’t mean i hv special needs or anything. I’m not the same with other children. I have more experiences then they do, perhaps more problems then they do. I’ve gone thru trouble & tears, love & smiles. I’ve stayed in 3 countries n i noe how its lyk to be left out. Left out…I hate that word…

I have several best friends. But that doesn’t mean i forgot my dearest of all. Her name was Khin Wathan Oo n i’ve known her since I was 5. She wasn’t like me. She was soft, unadventurous, small n a follower. She tamed me n I made her braver. She was the one who cried wen I left, she was the 1 hu cared for me. I should have told her that she was my best friend n I’ll never forget her. I was so stupid so Wathan, if u somehow landed on this page, I miss u n I luv u my best fren. Hope i’ll see u soon!!!!

Also, in Singapore, I met my 2nd best friend. Her name was Veronica Evangelista. She was Filipino n we shared d same life. We were both expatriates n loners. She never left me out. We were together for everything. She inspired me to write more compostions n I still remember her n I will remember her forever. Maybe one day wen we meet again, she’ll be as famous as J.K.Rowling.

The rest is Celine n Tiffany. 2 rich Chinese girls whom I knew in Brunei. They’ve been 2gether since dey were kids n i juz recently joined them. I noe they’re reli gud frens, dey’re very nice n dey helped me, but I kinda always get left out wif dem. Dey do everything 2gether, I’m d loner but it’s kinda ok I guess…..

Haha, some random emo post, thanx for stopping by!!!


Me, the genius

First, lets start with a round of applaus for the genius (me, duh!!!). I got the highest mark in my maths class (77/80, 96.6%) I noe, impressive rite? N the japanese guy ken yu (so sori if u ever came to my blog) hu everyone thot was lyk d best maths genius in the entire skool, I BEAT HIM! O yeh, O yeh, (hippie victory dance). I beat him by 2 marks n dat was a co-incidence bcuz in spore primary 4, jia jen, a chinese guy hu reaches toppa d class every sub, he got 75 for eng n i got 77 (dats da same marks again!!!) Woah rite!!!!! But anyway, another rounda applause for the lil genius.

Also, I got full marks for d first malay paper, dunno bout d 2nd one yet. O yeh, gooo me!!!! (black n pink pom poms cheering all the way, wooooh!)

Hullo! Random post

This is a very random post made by me….I dunno y i’m doin this post but I juz feel lyk saying somethin but i dunno wat 2 say n this is a reli kewl burmese joke translated by me in english below.

Don’t read this. Don’t carry on reading. See, I’m telling you not read continue read it but you’re still reading it. Stop right now. See, I knew you would continue reading it. I’m warning you, you know. Stop reading. This is useless. I told you to stop reading.


Hehz, bye!!!! :D

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